Wednesday, January 24, 2007

I've made up a new word: mamarazzi

Ok, so someone told me I didn't make it up. However, I have added it to the Urban Dictionary. Does that count for something?

Here's my brilliant definition for (n.) mamarazzi

1. Mothers who constantly follow their children around with several cameras and video taking equipment, snapping photos at each turn and documenting each milestone or event with at least two dozen photos and a video.
2. Groups of aforementioned mothers.
3. When referring to yourself as described above.


1. You can’t even get close to the swings because of all the mamarazzi.
2. I can’t believe how many photos I took of baby Madison on the slide! I’m such a mamarazzi!
3. What's with all the mamarazzi? It's just a bloody hair cut.

I also know that this sounds eerily familiar to the daily lives of most mat leave mommies. Like what else do you have to do but take adoring photos of your gorgeous offspring? I know that I had - literally - THOUSANDS of photos of my little darling.

Support my creation of mommy-related vocabulary! Go to mamarazzi and give it a 'thumbs up'.

Monday, December 11, 2006

It's me, again!

I am making an early New Year's Resolution - and one I hope to keep!

Here it is - in type for proof later on:

I will post to my blog more frequently. (ok, that's lame considering more frequently would be like once a millenium)

I will post to my blog monthly. (better)

I will post to my blog weekly. (seems more likely)

I'm taking the best out of 3, which is weekly posts. I think I can, I think I can. I just visited my friend's blogs and got all updated on their lives and thought, well isn't this lovely! I'd like to do the same thing.

So stay tuned!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Do turtles live in caves?

I know that I'm supposed to have all the answers to my daughter's most perplexing questions. But really, they are getting increasingly difficult to answer. The latest question was regarding the specific habitat of turtles. I have no idea where turtles live and she was most adamant that they lived in caves. I'm really not sure. So I just agreed with her.

Well the only place I research anything is online. Here it goes - I'm going to search it right now and come up with a compelling answer.

[please hold....searching for "Where to turtles live?"]


There is a page that is called "Kids' Questions about Turtles". Could we get any more specific?

For the record...
Q: Where do turtles live?
A: Almost everywhere?

Ok, so there's like hundreds of types of turtles and they all live in their own specific environment. That still doesn't answer my question about caves. At least I got close.

Monday, August 21, 2006

The real story of today

For the last couple of months, every night as part of our current bedtime routine, either myself of my husband have to tell my daughter 'a story'. Now this is not just any story, it is a detailed recap of the day's activities or the activities of another day in our lives.

Each story starts off the same, "One day there was a mommy and a daddy and a girl named Lia". Then we recount some fun activity like bike riding to Grandmas house, going to Centre Island, camping, visiting the market, all in very minute detail. Every time we hit on a good part in the story, we get an accompanying "yah!" and giggles of apprecation.

In addition, each evening we negotiate how many of these stories and how many of the subsequent songs are part of the aforementioned bedtime ritual. It goes something like this:

Me: "One story, one song"
Her: "Three stories, three songs"
Me: "Two stories, one song"
Her: "Three stories, three songs"

You can see how well a three year old negotiates. It usually ends up with at least three mini-stories, a handful of songs and more reasons why she still can't go to sleep. Drink. Pee. Cold feet. Drink (again). More stories. More songs.

Admittedly, it is fun. And it's another one of those things that will soon pass and I will miss.

I'm baaaackkk....!

After a much ballyhoo by the three people who read this blog, I am posting once again! Hooray! Anyhow, the wheels they are a turning and coming up with some good ideas to blog away. I missed you all too. :-)