Monday, December 11, 2006

It's me, again!

I am making an early New Year's Resolution - and one I hope to keep!

Here it is - in type for proof later on:

I will post to my blog more frequently. (ok, that's lame considering more frequently would be like once a millenium)

I will post to my blog monthly. (better)

I will post to my blog weekly. (seems more likely)

I'm taking the best out of 3, which is weekly posts. I think I can, I think I can. I just visited my friend's blogs and got all updated on their lives and thought, well isn't this lovely! I'd like to do the same thing.

So stay tuned!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Do turtles live in caves?

I know that I'm supposed to have all the answers to my daughter's most perplexing questions. But really, they are getting increasingly difficult to answer. The latest question was regarding the specific habitat of turtles. I have no idea where turtles live and she was most adamant that they lived in caves. I'm really not sure. So I just agreed with her.

Well the only place I research anything is online. Here it goes - I'm going to search it right now and come up with a compelling answer.

[please hold....searching for "Where to turtles live?"]


There is a page that is called "Kids' Questions about Turtles". Could we get any more specific?

For the record...
Q: Where do turtles live?
A: Almost everywhere?

Ok, so there's like hundreds of types of turtles and they all live in their own specific environment. That still doesn't answer my question about caves. At least I got close.

Monday, August 21, 2006

The real story of today

For the last couple of months, every night as part of our current bedtime routine, either myself of my husband have to tell my daughter 'a story'. Now this is not just any story, it is a detailed recap of the day's activities or the activities of another day in our lives.

Each story starts off the same, "One day there was a mommy and a daddy and a girl named Lia". Then we recount some fun activity like bike riding to Grandmas house, going to Centre Island, camping, visiting the market, all in very minute detail. Every time we hit on a good part in the story, we get an accompanying "yah!" and giggles of apprecation.

In addition, each evening we negotiate how many of these stories and how many of the subsequent songs are part of the aforementioned bedtime ritual. It goes something like this:

Me: "One story, one song"
Her: "Three stories, three songs"
Me: "Two stories, one song"
Her: "Three stories, three songs"

You can see how well a three year old negotiates. It usually ends up with at least three mini-stories, a handful of songs and more reasons why she still can't go to sleep. Drink. Pee. Cold feet. Drink (again). More stories. More songs.

Admittedly, it is fun. And it's another one of those things that will soon pass and I will miss.

I'm baaaackkk....!

After a much ballyhoo by the three people who read this blog, I am posting once again! Hooray! Anyhow, the wheels they are a turning and coming up with some good ideas to blog away. I missed you all too. :-)

Thursday, April 20, 2006

A quick judgement

I was driving to the dentist last night and I saw a man, with his back to me, walking on the sidewalk with no shirt on. Other than the no shirt, he seemed of sound mind (he was wearing pants and shoes). I thought to myself,
"Dude, I know it's warm but GEEZE - put a shirt on already!"
My next thought was "Canadians - any sign of warm weather and we're in shorts, flip flops and no shirts!!" In short, I thought he was a lunatic.

As I got closer to him, he turned around and to my shock and surprise, he was carrying a newborn baby, covered in a blanket, right on his chest. I gasped. Then I cried. This man is pacing the sidewalk, with skin-to-skin contact for his newborn baby, calming it, getting it to sleep. And here I was thinking this guy was some yahoo galavanting around without his shirt on for mere sport. Shame on me. My next thought was to the mother, who (I will venture a guess) was likely in the house trying to cope with the craziness I call Week 1 with Baby. Was she sleeping? Crying? Just trying to cope? Who knows.

I passed such a quick judgement only to realize I was completely off. How many times have I done that without knowing the full story? I will certainly know better next time.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Good night, Mommy. I love you.

Things change right before my eyes - before I even know they've changed. Most notably are the phases of my daughter's life that just seem to pass before I've even realized they are gone.

Tonight I sang a rousing rendition of "The Goodbye Song" from Bear in the Big Blue House (thankfully I know the words) and a not so perfect version of "Teddy Bear's Picnic" (I have since looked up the words). When did this little ritual begin, I wonder? It has been going on for as long as I can remember. Me or my husband, sitting beside her bed singing and patting her back.

It got me thinking about all the other little things we would do for her - especially at night - and when they just stopped? When did rocking her in the glider stop? Walking and bouncing? Nursing? Night waking? (ok, she still does that last one sometimes) I feel though that when I go through each of these 'phases' it seems that they will never end. Then she outgrows them or they outgrow her - or better yet - we just get tired of them all and move onto something else.

As I looked at her in her bed today, I still couldn't believe how big she's gotten, how she says "Good night Mommy, I love you" and gives me a kiss and hug. I also know that this phase too will pass. I hope it never does or better yet, I hope I never forget it.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


My 2 and a half year old has very recently decided to stop calling me 'Mommy' and start calling me 'Mom'. When did that happen? But more importantly, why??

I love hearing her call me Mommy -- Mommy let's go for a walk, Mommy let's play, or the big cry, Mommmmeeeeeeeee! But no longer. Now it's just a very grown up and succinct - Mom.

'Mommy' is cute. It's endearing. It's what little kids call their mothers. 'Mom' is something that I call my own mother. But I'm a grown woman. I'm not 2.

Every time she does it, I gently suggest 'You can call me Mommy'. And she replies, 'Ok, Mom'. I hate when I'm outwitted by a toddler. Unfortunately, it happens quite often.

It's not just me. 'Daddy' has also become 'Dad' and my husband isn't impressed either. Aside from correcting her - it technically isn't even a wrong term - I guess I shouldn't make a big deal out of it. Maybe she'll revert back to 'Mommy' on her own? I'll likely just get used to it and be glad she isn't calling me 'Joanne'.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Additions to the Checklist

For anyone really paying's a couple more 'must have's' for travel with child.

  1. FRS Radios - aka: walkie talkies. You will split up from your partner, and it's nice to be able to find each other. Nevermind also being able to eavesdrop on other people's conversations.
  2. Flashlight - perfect for when the baby is asleep by 8 pm and you still need to find all your things. Doubles as toy in a pinch. Make sure to have fresh batteries.
  3. In addtion to #2 above, bring a night light. Works like a charm for all the same reasons you have one at home.
  4. Apple - Not the computer - the fruit. My daughter was perfectly happy with an apple she could eat whole. Brilliant packaging! This may not work for all kids, but dammit it worked for me. Add this to Snacks #16 below.
  5. Pre-wrapped cutlery (in addtion to #24 on list below) You know the kind you get at fast food joints - it's got a fork, spoon, knife, salt, napkin and wet nap all in sealed plastic wrap? Well stock up on those! If it means eating more KFC than so be it. They come in very handy and offer up the wet nap as a bonus.

That's it for now. Any more travel ideas most appreciated.

Monday, March 06, 2006

My Perfect Travel Checklist

I have returned from my first vacation avec enfant. What an adventure! [Editors Note: There needs to be a specific post just for the vacation itself. Stay tuned.] Before I left, I searched the world wide web aimlessly looking for the perfect travel checklist. I never found it.

I have now created my own PERFECT TRAVEL CHECKLIST. I know exactly what you need to bring. You can thank me later.

I pack too much all the time. Better to be safe than sorry. This list will be for those things that I found indispensable. We traveled to warm weather, yet most of this will still apply for winter related travel. Just be warned.

These are in no particular order other than in the order which I remembered them.

  1. Favourite stuffed animal and blanket (Make sure not to lose them. I tagged them with our email address)
  2. Potty seat (the one that goes right on top of the toilet seat). If your child is in diapers, well bring those too.
  3. Clothes pegs to keep curtains closed, hang all those hand washed clothes
  4. Laundry soap (you will hand wash something)
  5. Dish soap (to wash all those sippy cups, #24)
  6. 2 pairs of flip flops/swim shoes (you won't get the sand off the first pair)
  7. Sunscreen (we went through almost 2 bottles)
  8. Bathing suit cover up
  9. Sunshirt (the ones with SPF protection)
  10. Toys - only a few favourite ones, we found that brand new toys as 'surprises' worked really well. The mini 'magnadoodle' was great too for using in the umbrella stroller (#12)
  11. Books - keep a few very handy in case your luggage gets lost and you are sitting on the floor of the airport near where your baggage should be trying to occupy your child as your husband searches for "the desk" to make a claim.
  12. Cheap umbrella stroller. The kind that if it gets lost, broken or stolen, you won't mind.
  13. Fold up rain umbrella (can be used for sun too)
  14. Sunglasses
  15. Sun hat (more than 1 because you inevitably will only be able to find one on any given day)
  16. Snacks We loved the small boxes of animal crackers, mini boxes of cereal, apple sauce cups (don't forget cutlery #24), fruit cups. Difficult to find goldfish crackers in Mexico. Yet another use for Ziploc bags (#19) and lunch bag (#21).
  17. Clothes (tshirts, shorts, bathing suits etc) This is really a no brainer. But you will inevitably hand wash something so don't forget the laundry soap (#4)
  18. Baby wipes - big container and small for day trips. Really helped at the beach wiping sandy hands and salt water in the eyes, even trays and dishes. Not just for bums. Who knew?
  19. Ziploc bags (so many uses, you'll never know what you did without them. I packed nearly everything in these. 1 for qtips, 1 for meds (see #20)...I could go on...) Different sizes would work well too (big ones for wet clothes, sandwich size for everything else)
  20. All over-the-counter medications that your child has ever used. Tempra, Dimetap, Advil, Polysporin, diaper cream, children's Gravol, bug spray, hydrocortizone cream, eye drops, bandaids, rubbing alcohol - everything. Just bring it. Go into your cupboard and get them all. Make sure they're not expired and bring the dosage droppers too. You'll be glad you did if they get sick.
  21. Lunch bag (to go with #16). You know the kind you use for work lunches. It was excellent for day trips and travelling in the airport and on the plane. I even used the ziploc bags (see #19) filled with ice to keep stuff cool. Brilliant indeed!
  22. Stickers. Buy them at the dollar store. This activity alone occupied my 2 year old for minutes at a time. Once she was done sticking them on paper, tables, plates, chairs, she handed them out to everyone. Good sharing! Great to take to restaurants and places you don't want to lug all the toys.
  23. Hair elastics, barettes etc. Just bring three million and be prepared never to find one when you need it.
  24. Cups & cutlery Bring sippy cups (more than 1) plastic cutlery and don't forget the dish soap (#5)

I think this is about it. I reserve the right to add another when I remember it. If you have anything that worked for you, please let me know. I'll add it to the list and give you all the kudos you want.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

One day at a time

Here in this great country, we are lucky to get up to 52 weeks of maternity (and yes, paternity) leave to spend with our babies. This is a far cry from the 6 weeks that some states in the US get. Like I needed one more reason besides George Bush to be glad I don't live there.

I looked back this week at exactly one year ago when I left my baby, then 18 months, for her first time without me at daycare. I had anticipated that first full day, replayed it over in my head, and always thought I'd be ok. Even though I knew my daughter was in a wonderful, loving daycare, that she needed the social interaction, the fun and let's face it, I needed to get back to work, it was the most difficult day of my life.

I was most certainly not ok. There were lots of tears. Lots. I felt like my heart was being torn into a million pieces and it was never going to get better. It was like the worst heartbreak ever but worse. My feelings and emotions were all over the place. I am entrusting these people with the most important job - caring for my child. More guilt, sadness, anxiety. None of these are happy, good feelings.

However, it did get better - one day at a time. She stopped crying when I left her. I stopped crying when I left her. She has made new friends - cute little kids just like her, she pees in the potty, she uses her manners. She has FUN. I have resumed some semblance of my previous pre-mommy existence and it is being perfectly balanced out by current mommy joys and I'm really ok.

I know some of you will be/are going through the same thing. It's tough. Very tough. Don't minimize how difficult this is. I guarantee your spouses/partners will empathize, but really, they never truly understand. They can't.

Please take my meagre advice: Don't worry. Don't beat yourself up about leaving them. Each day will be a little better than the last. They will realize that you do return, you do love them and that you'll never ever really leave them. Even if they can't tell you now, they will. The message that our daycare gave my daughter each day "Mommy leaves, but Mommy always comes back". She still tells me that to this day. And it couldn't be more true.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Swiper, no swiping! Swiper, no swiping!

Every toddler just loves Dora the Explorer. If you don't know who that is you obviously don't know anyone under the age of 5.

Aside from the fact that Dora always seems to be yelling, it is a very cute little show. It teaches kids Spanish, counting, songs and it's got a whole bunch of PhD's behind the content, language development and blah blah blah. What is also has is a villain. That villain is named Swiper.

Swiper is quite the bully. He jumps in and out of Dora's life and keeps stealing her things. He not only takes them, but flings them to far off places. Dora then needs to find them just to continue with her exploring. How annoying is that? Sometimes she can ward him off, but most times he just walks up to her and takes whatever he wants. Anything really - rope, necklace, star pockets. She really needed that rope - to get the necklace you flung on top of Star Mountain! Geeze. What's WITH this guy?

In the end, Dora always finds the things Swiper has stolen. She's very resourceful. She's got a map, helpful stars, a seemingly endless supply of trinkets in her backpack. The moral here being: Even if some lousy bastard bothers you and takes your things, just use your friends and your resources to get them all back. And she does.

The problem I have with all this is that my daughter thinks that Swiper is going to come and swipe HER things. She says:

"I don't want Swiper to swipe my my stuff. That sneaky fox."

And I have to explain, "Swiper is only on TV. He will never come and swipe your things". How many other 2 year olds in this world think the same thing? Hopefully she understands all this. I think so. She still wants to watch Dora, we still sing the songs. I guess it's just one of those life lessons that you learn at 2.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Get to know your friends

It's that time of the year again where I inevitably get forwarded one of those e-mails with all the questions. Every once in a while I actually feel like answering it and that time is right now. I've decided to get all high-tech and post it here instead of spamming my friends. How nice of me.

If you're so inclined, answer them, post on your blog. I'd like to see what you come up with.

Note: This is a really long one. I may lose you at #23 but really, it's worth getting down to #56.

1. What time did you get up this morning? 7:06 AM.
2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds, of course, don't be silly
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Madagascar. I know, I don't get out much.
4. What's your favorite TV show? Seinfeld
5. What did you have for breakfast today? My hubby made me pancakes. Special treat on a school day.
6. What's your favorite cuisine? Thai and Italian
7. What food do you dislike? Anything that had a mother
8. What is your favorite chip flavor? Ruffles plain, and salt and vinegar for medicinal purposes (I dare you to ask)
9. What if your favorite cd at the moment? Broken Social Scene
10. What kind of car do you drive? What I lovingly refer to as 'every man's car' 2002 Nissan Altima. If you want to lose your car in a parking lot, buy this one.
11. Favorite sandwich? Eggplant sandwich from Mustachios in St. Lawrence Market
12. What characteristics do you despise? People who are cheap. Damn, I hate you people
13. Favorite item of clothing? Fluffy scarf. Really, it's a stretch but does "anything with drawstrings" count here?
14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go? China
15. What color is your bathroom? Blue
16. Favorite brand of clothes? Old Navy (you have to sing it like the commercial)
17. Where would you retire? Victoria.
18. What is your favourite time of day? When I fall asleep and get to stay asleep
19. What was your most memorable birthday? My last one.
20. Where were you born? Mississauga, ON, but don't tell anyone please.
21. Favorite sport to watch? Hockey. And lacrosse. And Grey Cup.
22. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? Whoever.
23. Person you expect to send it back first? Dunno!
24. What's your favorite laundry detergent? Tide Free
25. Were you named after anyone? Yes, my grandmother Giovannina.
27. When did you last cry? When I saw that damn Tim Hortons commercial with the Asian grandfather and his son and grandson playing hockey. Damn these people, can't you just sell me coffee?
28. Do you like your handwriting? Oh sure, but when was the last time you actually handwrote something?
29. If you were another person would YOU be friends with you? Sure.
30. Are you a daredevil? No. Unless you count becoming a mother.
31. Do looks matter? Are you a supermodel? Then yes, otherwise get over yourself.
32. How do you release anger? When, where and at whom? It all depends
33. Where is your second home? Nowhere.
34. What class in High School was totally useless? Chemistry - blah
35. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Me? Nevvver
36. Favorite movie? I hate movies
37. What are your nicknames? VanWinkle
38. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? No
39. Do you think that you are strong? Strong minded, yes. Strong willed, yes. I can also carry a 30lb toddler up and down the stairs several times a day.
40. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Vanilla
41. What are your favorite colors? Grey and brown.
42. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? I pick my cuticles! AGH!
43. Who do you miss the most? My grandfather.
44. Do you want everyone to send this back? Post a comment if you even get down to this question, geeze this is long.
45. What color pants are you wearing? PJ's
46. What are you listening to right NOW? Nada
47. Last thing you ate? Ryvita cracker with cream cheese
48. If you were a crayon what color would you be? Crayola Carnation Pink.
49. Last person you talked to on the phone? My mom.
50. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Face
51. What's your favorite drink? Lemonade
52. Do you wear contacts? Nope. 20/20 vision, baby
53. Favorite day of the year? August 26
54. Scary Movies or Happy Endings? Happy endings.
55. Summer or Winter? Winter (when we're talking Olympics, which we weren't but anyways)
56. Hugs or Kisses? Hugs
57. What is your favorite dessert? Yum, dessert. I'll pick apple streudel with ice cream (vanilla)
58. What book are you currently reading? Do magazines count?
59. What's on your mouse pad? "The Globe and Mail - A partner in building your business"
If you actually got this far, you either are related to me or just read the first two and the last two. Don't worry, I'd do the same thing.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

A reply to "The trumpet and the toothbrush"

This is the actual reply from Fry Orthodontics in Kansas City, MO. I think I may actually contact her for a toothbrush. Will the REAL Dr. Robert W. Fry please stand up?

Dear Dagmar,

Each day brings new surprises and I have to admit, your story is unlike any I've ever heard. It's so great that you were able to find us with a Google search. You'll be interested to know that we have, indeed, imprinted give-away toothbrushes with Dr. Robert W. Fry, however it would have been more recent than the dates you are referring to. Dr. Fry began practicing orthodontics in 1977 as part of a group practice (at that time both doctors' names would have been on the toothbrushes). He started his own practice 10 years later in 1987.

So if the toothbrush is from our office, it would have been sometime between 1987 to probably the mid-1990's when we switched from imprinting our toothbrushes with just his name to imprinting them with "Fry Orthodontics".

I hope this information is helpful to you. If you know anyone in Kansas City (KS or MO) who needs a new toothbrush - please let us know, we'd be happy to provide a replacement. We send our best wishes to your brother, Tom and his renewed hobby.

Thanks for brightening our day!

Warmest Regards,
Yvonne Graf, R.D.H., General Manager
Fry Orthodontic Specialists
Kansas City, Missouri

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The trumpet and the toothbrush - can you help?

This was originally sent as a real email by my friend and colleague Dagmar. This is a true story. The names have not been changed to protect the innocent.

Dear Dr. Fry,

I am writing from Toronto, Canada, to solve a mystery that has recently come to light. My brother, Tom, who is now 48 years old, recently decided to take up his trumpet again, which he started playing at around age 12. In doing so, he found the trumpet sounding rather muted, so called up my brother-in-law, David, a musician, to query why the trumpet might be sounding dull. David asked Tom if he had ever cleaned the trumpet to which my brother answered no, and so naturally this was David's advice. Tom cleaned the trumpet and what he found deep inside the bell was an unbelievable surprise - a toothbrush! - translucent green, 6-sided and beveled - with the printing: "Prevent 35" on one side, and "Dr. Robert W. Fry" imprinted in white on the other.

There are no Dr. Robert W. Fry's in our area, nor in Canada for that matter, so hence a Google search and finding you!

The trumpet was purchased from the somewhere in the U.S. around 1972. My thoughts...Either the trumpet came with the toothbrush, or someone put it in there during Tom's high school band trip to Michigan in 1974, or...the young man (a fellow high school band mate in Hamilton, Ontario) whom my brother lent his trumpet to, lost the toothbrush in there (the trumpet was returned to my brother with a dent!).

Any clues to solving this mystery if in fact you are the Robert W. Fry..?

Thanks for your help and any insights you might have!

Best regards,

Sunday, February 05, 2006

1994 Weekend

Ah, 1994. Those were good times. This past weekend on 102.1 The Edge they paid tribute to 1994 with what was oh-so-appropriately called 1994 Weekend. They posed the question "What is your favourite album from 1994?" and it got me thinking....there were LOTS of great albums from that year.

Here's what was listed on The Edge and the results from the online poll:

  • NIN - Downward Spiral
  • SOUNDGARDEN - Superunknown
  • OASIS - Definitely Maybe
  • OFFSPRING - Smash
  • BEASTIE BOYS - Ill Communication
  • NIRVANA - unplugged
  • GREEN DAY - dookie

I thought of some more (ok, ok, I googled some more...)

  • Pearl Jam - Vitalogy
  • Weezer - Weezer
  • Beck - Mellow Gold
  • Bush - Sixteen Stone
  • Blur - Parklife
  • Stone Temple Pilots - Purple
  • Tragically Hip - Day for Night

My vote? Who can pick just one? Weezer's aptly named 'blue album' is one of my all time favourites, I also love Beastie Boys, and Sabotage is the greatest video ever. Today, I'll pick Weezer, but I get to change my vote later if I want.

What else happened in 1994: I couldn't remember, so I looked it up

Movies: Speed (geeze, was that '94?) and one of my faves (I hate most movies except this one) Muriels Wedding.

Olympics were in Lillehammer, Norway and Canada won a record number of medals - 13 in total.

John Candy died, BC Lions won the Grey Cup, Buffalo Bills lose the Superbowl to Dallas Cowboys

On TV, ER debuts, so does Friends

And who could forget OJ Simpson and his white Ford Bronco.

Ah, it feels like only yesterday...

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Why didn't I think of this?

It's one of those 'mom ideas' that I really should have thought of. I'm smart enough, hip enough but perhaps those two virtues did not work in tandem with each other. I don't even think one knows the other exists. But I digress...

It's called the Family Dance Party and it's being held at the Drake Hotel on Feb. 25 here in Toronto. Some Toronto mom hipsters (see, it should have been me) decided that they didn't want to lose their pre-baby social scene (and trust me, you do) so they came up with a night (or afternoon in this case) for a dance party where you can bring the kids. It's at 2pm, there will be martinis for the adults and milk and cookies for the kids. Parents get to dance, kids can dance. It is going to be fun, I can just feel it! [Editors Note: Unfortunately I will not be at the inaugural Family Dance Party. I'll be on a proper vacation in warm climes. I'll likely need a couple of martinis upon my return, but that's an entirely different story.]

A few other cool things I found to do with kids that I might actually do this Sunday but aren't nearly as cool as the Family Dance Party:
Harbourfront Zoom! Family Sundays
AGO Family Fun

Monday, January 30, 2006

I got blog spammed -- blammed!

I'm just minding my own bloggin' business, posting, editing, writing, editing, collecting drafts of messages, you know, the usual. I'm not bothering anyone. Lo and behold! A comment! Hooray! They love me, they really love me. Wait a second - this sounds a bit fishy.

"I read your blog and found it insightful"

Why yes, my blog IS insightful.

"Why don't you read my blog"

Well, it is only fair, since you, Lance, read my blog and found it insightful. Sure, I'll click and read yours....your blog about...what IS this blog about?

Ok, so I fell for it the first time, but as some guy named Roger Daltrey once said "I won't get fooled again". Lance and friends, your comments have been deleted. PERMANENTLY. So take that! And now I've turned on "word verification". Fancy stuff for this very fancy blog.

Damn you blammers!

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Where does juice and water come from?

My daughter regularly sings only two verses from the song "Farmer in the Dell" from Baby Macdonald: the chickens give us eggs and the cows give us milk. She launches into these solos in her beautiful, almost shouting, slightly out of tune glorious little voice. She has also deducted that milk comes from cows and eggs come from chickens. Brilliant, I know.

As an aside, we give our daughter watered down apple juice to drink. More affectionately referred to in our house as one word "juiceandwater".

One morning this week, after singing a rousing two-verse rendition of "Farmer in the Dell" and before taking a big sip of juiceandwater, my daughter turns to me and asks "Where does juiceandwater come from?" My husband and I look at each other in stunned disbelief. It was our first "tough" question that deserved a well thought out and reasonable answer. And I didn't want to over complicate things and give her more of an answer than was necessary. I tend to do that sometimes.

"Apple juice comes from apples"
"Apple juice comes from apples??!!"
"Yes, apple juice comes from apples"

And that was that. I never did get around to explaining water. We'll save that for next time.

Monday, January 16, 2006

The spoken word

It's like she was waiting her whole life to talk to us. She had so many things to say in those early months but we just couldn't understand. I made a decent attempt, I really did. Now, 2 years later, I get a running commentary from the moment she wakes to the moment she sleeps. I hang on to her every word. It's like the most engaging conversation I've ever had. I love the sound of her little voice, singing, laughing, telling me about her day. She really is an amazing little creature, understanding and learning with everything she absorbs from the world around her. I see the world from her perspective. She tells me she loves me. It really doesn't get any better.

There are still days when I look at her, listen to her talking and wonder how I used to piece this all together. All those months of what essentially was an elaborate guessing game. Each cry could mean an infinite number of possibilities from hungry to tired and everything in between. And I actually did figure out what it all meant. I knew what cry meant sad and what was a downright outrage. I deciphered the difference between the whining for 'I'm bored' and those that meant 'pick me up now'.

It is so wonderful to all be speaking the same language now. We sit and talk together. She's memorized her favourite books and 'talks' them to me. She gets some words mixed up - like calling the letter x "eggs". She sings songs. She sings!! If I thought the sound of her voice talking was amazing, singing is definetly on some other euphoric level. Nothing, nothing is sweeter than the sound of her singing.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Blog on, man

Despite my attempts to resist blogs - maybe it's just the name I dislike - I find myself drawn to post another piece. I was tickled pink to find that someone had left me a comment too! How cute!

I was also truly inspired by fellow mom Char who has started her own blog - with pics and links and everything!

Now I might even tell someone else I know about my blog (call me wild 'n crazy!) so maybe they'll come back to visit and read my inane ramblings. That's the whole point, isn't it? However, that would mean I'd have to write something more often than once a year.

The excitement is just too much.