Monday, October 09, 2006

Do turtles live in caves?

I know that I'm supposed to have all the answers to my daughter's most perplexing questions. But really, they are getting increasingly difficult to answer. The latest question was regarding the specific habitat of turtles. I have no idea where turtles live and she was most adamant that they lived in caves. I'm really not sure. So I just agreed with her.

Well the only place I research anything is online. Here it goes - I'm going to search it right now and come up with a compelling answer.

[please hold....searching for "Where to turtles live?"]


There is a page that is called "Kids' Questions about Turtles". Could we get any more specific?

For the record...
Q: Where do turtles live?
A: Almost everywhere?

Ok, so there's like hundreds of types of turtles and they all live in their own specific environment. That still doesn't answer my question about caves. At least I got close.