Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Additions to the Checklist

For anyone really paying attention...here's a couple more 'must have's' for travel with child.

  1. FRS Radios - aka: walkie talkies. You will split up from your partner, and it's nice to be able to find each other. Nevermind also being able to eavesdrop on other people's conversations.
  2. Flashlight - perfect for when the baby is asleep by 8 pm and you still need to find all your things. Doubles as toy in a pinch. Make sure to have fresh batteries.
  3. In addtion to #2 above, bring a night light. Works like a charm for all the same reasons you have one at home.
  4. Apple - Not the computer - the fruit. My daughter was perfectly happy with an apple she could eat whole. Brilliant packaging! This may not work for all kids, but dammit it worked for me. Add this to Snacks #16 below.
  5. Pre-wrapped cutlery (in addtion to #24 on list below) You know the kind you get at fast food joints - it's got a fork, spoon, knife, salt, napkin and wet nap all in sealed plastic wrap? Well stock up on those! If it means eating more KFC than so be it. They come in very handy and offer up the wet nap as a bonus.

That's it for now. Any more travel ideas most appreciated.

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