Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Get to know your friends

It's that time of the year again where I inevitably get forwarded one of those e-mails with all the questions. Every once in a while I actually feel like answering it and that time is right now. I've decided to get all high-tech and post it here instead of spamming my friends. How nice of me.

If you're so inclined, answer them, post on your blog. I'd like to see what you come up with.

Note: This is a really long one. I may lose you at #23 but really, it's worth getting down to #56.

1. What time did you get up this morning? 7:06 AM.
2. Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds, of course, don't be silly
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Madagascar. I know, I don't get out much.
4. What's your favorite TV show? Seinfeld
5. What did you have for breakfast today? My hubby made me pancakes. Special treat on a school day.
6. What's your favorite cuisine? Thai and Italian
7. What food do you dislike? Anything that had a mother
8. What is your favorite chip flavor? Ruffles plain, and salt and vinegar for medicinal purposes (I dare you to ask)
9. What if your favorite cd at the moment? Broken Social Scene
10. What kind of car do you drive? What I lovingly refer to as 'every man's car' 2002 Nissan Altima. If you want to lose your car in a parking lot, buy this one.
11. Favorite sandwich? Eggplant sandwich from Mustachios in St. Lawrence Market
12. What characteristics do you despise? People who are cheap. Damn, I hate you people
13. Favorite item of clothing? Fluffy scarf. Really, it's a stretch but does "anything with drawstrings" count here?
14. If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go? China
15. What color is your bathroom? Blue
16. Favorite brand of clothes? Old Navy (you have to sing it like the commercial)
17. Where would you retire? Victoria.
18. What is your favourite time of day? When I fall asleep and get to stay asleep
19. What was your most memorable birthday? My last one.
20. Where were you born? Mississauga, ON, but don't tell anyone please.
21. Favorite sport to watch? Hockey. And lacrosse. And Grey Cup.
22. Who do you least expect to send this back to you? Whoever.
23. Person you expect to send it back first? Dunno!
24. What's your favorite laundry detergent? Tide Free
25. Were you named after anyone? Yes, my grandmother Giovannina.
27. When did you last cry? When I saw that damn Tim Hortons commercial with the Asian grandfather and his son and grandson playing hockey. Damn these people, can't you just sell me coffee?
28. Do you like your handwriting? Oh sure, but when was the last time you actually handwrote something?
29. If you were another person would YOU be friends with you? Sure.
30. Are you a daredevil? No. Unless you count becoming a mother.
31. Do looks matter? Are you a supermodel? Then yes, otherwise get over yourself.
32. How do you release anger? When, where and at whom? It all depends
33. Where is your second home? Nowhere.
34. What class in High School was totally useless? Chemistry - blah
35. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Me? Nevvver
36. Favorite movie? I hate movies
37. What are your nicknames? VanWinkle
38. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? No
39. Do you think that you are strong? Strong minded, yes. Strong willed, yes. I can also carry a 30lb toddler up and down the stairs several times a day.
40. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Vanilla
41. What are your favorite colors? Grey and brown.
42. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? I pick my cuticles! AGH!
43. Who do you miss the most? My grandfather.
44. Do you want everyone to send this back? Post a comment if you even get down to this question, geeze this is long.
45. What color pants are you wearing? PJ's
46. What are you listening to right NOW? Nada
47. Last thing you ate? Ryvita cracker with cream cheese
48. If you were a crayon what color would you be? Crayola Carnation Pink.
49. Last person you talked to on the phone? My mom.
50. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Face
51. What's your favorite drink? Lemonade
52. Do you wear contacts? Nope. 20/20 vision, baby
53. Favorite day of the year? August 26
54. Scary Movies or Happy Endings? Happy endings.
55. Summer or Winter? Winter (when we're talking Olympics, which we weren't but anyways)
56. Hugs or Kisses? Hugs
57. What is your favorite dessert? Yum, dessert. I'll pick apple streudel with ice cream (vanilla)
58. What book are you currently reading? Do magazines count?
59. What's on your mouse pad? "The Globe and Mail - A partner in building your business"
If you actually got this far, you either are related to me or just read the first two and the last two. Don't worry, I'd do the same thing.


Char said...

Friend, do you really hate movies? (or is that your sarcasm coming out?)

Thanks for the fun idea!

Joanne said...

Both, I think. I guess to be correct I'd have to say that I hate MOST movies. :-P There are a few I actually do like.