Monday, March 06, 2006

My Perfect Travel Checklist

I have returned from my first vacation avec enfant. What an adventure! [Editors Note: There needs to be a specific post just for the vacation itself. Stay tuned.] Before I left, I searched the world wide web aimlessly looking for the perfect travel checklist. I never found it.

I have now created my own PERFECT TRAVEL CHECKLIST. I know exactly what you need to bring. You can thank me later.

I pack too much all the time. Better to be safe than sorry. This list will be for those things that I found indispensable. We traveled to warm weather, yet most of this will still apply for winter related travel. Just be warned.

These are in no particular order other than in the order which I remembered them.

  1. Favourite stuffed animal and blanket (Make sure not to lose them. I tagged them with our email address)
  2. Potty seat (the one that goes right on top of the toilet seat). If your child is in diapers, well bring those too.
  3. Clothes pegs to keep curtains closed, hang all those hand washed clothes
  4. Laundry soap (you will hand wash something)
  5. Dish soap (to wash all those sippy cups, #24)
  6. 2 pairs of flip flops/swim shoes (you won't get the sand off the first pair)
  7. Sunscreen (we went through almost 2 bottles)
  8. Bathing suit cover up
  9. Sunshirt (the ones with SPF protection)
  10. Toys - only a few favourite ones, we found that brand new toys as 'surprises' worked really well. The mini 'magnadoodle' was great too for using in the umbrella stroller (#12)
  11. Books - keep a few very handy in case your luggage gets lost and you are sitting on the floor of the airport near where your baggage should be trying to occupy your child as your husband searches for "the desk" to make a claim.
  12. Cheap umbrella stroller. The kind that if it gets lost, broken or stolen, you won't mind.
  13. Fold up rain umbrella (can be used for sun too)
  14. Sunglasses
  15. Sun hat (more than 1 because you inevitably will only be able to find one on any given day)
  16. Snacks We loved the small boxes of animal crackers, mini boxes of cereal, apple sauce cups (don't forget cutlery #24), fruit cups. Difficult to find goldfish crackers in Mexico. Yet another use for Ziploc bags (#19) and lunch bag (#21).
  17. Clothes (tshirts, shorts, bathing suits etc) This is really a no brainer. But you will inevitably hand wash something so don't forget the laundry soap (#4)
  18. Baby wipes - big container and small for day trips. Really helped at the beach wiping sandy hands and salt water in the eyes, even trays and dishes. Not just for bums. Who knew?
  19. Ziploc bags (so many uses, you'll never know what you did without them. I packed nearly everything in these. 1 for qtips, 1 for meds (see #20)...I could go on...) Different sizes would work well too (big ones for wet clothes, sandwich size for everything else)
  20. All over-the-counter medications that your child has ever used. Tempra, Dimetap, Advil, Polysporin, diaper cream, children's Gravol, bug spray, hydrocortizone cream, eye drops, bandaids, rubbing alcohol - everything. Just bring it. Go into your cupboard and get them all. Make sure they're not expired and bring the dosage droppers too. You'll be glad you did if they get sick.
  21. Lunch bag (to go with #16). You know the kind you use for work lunches. It was excellent for day trips and travelling in the airport and on the plane. I even used the ziploc bags (see #19) filled with ice to keep stuff cool. Brilliant indeed!
  22. Stickers. Buy them at the dollar store. This activity alone occupied my 2 year old for minutes at a time. Once she was done sticking them on paper, tables, plates, chairs, she handed them out to everyone. Good sharing! Great to take to restaurants and places you don't want to lug all the toys.
  23. Hair elastics, barettes etc. Just bring three million and be prepared never to find one when you need it.
  24. Cups & cutlery Bring sippy cups (more than 1) plastic cutlery and don't forget the dish soap (#5)

I think this is about it. I reserve the right to add another when I remember it. If you have anything that worked for you, please let me know. I'll add it to the list and give you all the kudos you want.

1 comment:

Char said...

What a great list! I can't wait to actually go somewhere so I can use it!

Looking forward to hearing about the trip and being ultra-jealous.